[[en]]Join DreamStarter and become a DreamSchool to advocate education innovation. Through life-wide experiential learning, students will able to understand more about the world, to care about the society, learn to solve problems, and not be afraid of failure, step by step to pursue their dreams! In this year, over 1800 teachers and students from 12 primary and secondary schools will be taking part on the DreamStarter Kids Pitching Day, they are going to generate over 160 dream projects which aligned with United Nations 17Sustainable Development Goals. [[zh]]我們期待更多學校參與DreamStarter計劃,加入成為啟夢校園,共同推動創新教育,透過全方位體驗式學習,讓學生在老師的引導下,更了解世界,關心社會,學習解決問題,不怕失敗,一步步向夢想進發!踏入第九年度,今年有超過1800名來自12間中小學的教師和學生參與DreamStarter計劃,將創造逾160個以聯合國17個可持續發展目標的夢想項目,嘗試運用創意及設計思維,讓世界變得更美好。
[[en]]In DreamStarter, the role of a teacher is no longer a teacher, but a cheerleader who stand behind the students, walking together with them and giving support; Also, to act as a role model, inspire and to influence another, guiding children to learn to care for the society, try to use innovative thinking to solve problems and bringing changes to the world. [[zh]]在DreamStarter的追夢旅程中,老師的角色已經不再是老師,而是成為學生們背後的啦啦隊,一起同行,給與支持;透過以身作則,以生命影響生命,引導孩子學會關心社會,嘗試運用創新思維去解決問題,為世界帶來改變。
[[en]]The DreamTeacher community aims at connecting all the DreamStarter teachers to encourage each other to actively share useful information, skills and resources; to exchange experiences and to pursue innovative education. We truly believed every DreamTeacher can be the cheerleader and strong backup in our students' dream journey![[zh]]DreamTeacher 社群的建立旨在聯繫所有參加DreamStarter的老師,鼓勵大家積極分享各類有用訊息、共享技能和所得資源,讓彼此經驗交流,互相支援,在創新教育的路途上同步成長,並與學生同行,成為他們追夢旅程中,最可信賴的後援和啦啦隊!